Sunday, June 9, 2013

Living in Tomorrow World - Day 5 of Angela Kelly's 90 Day Challenge Day 5 of a 90 Day Challenge. Living in Tomorrow World. A 90 Day Video Challenge. It's a documentation of my Come Up to Online Success with a team of winners. Living in Tomorrow World. What is truly holding you back from your dreams? Waiting until tomorrow to get it today is a way of saying you are not serious. If you are serious about success, you will take action. The ability to take action and not procrastinate, and not put it off until tomorrow, is a habit of successful people. If you want to know a wealth secret, its the ability to take action. Napoleon Hill's Think and Grow Rich highlights the 30 Major Causes of Failure. The Inability to Take Action is reason #15 and ultimately decides if a person will be successful in the 3% of the population. Or if a person will make it to the 97% of individuals who allow preventable inaction to lead them to failure. The key is to get it done today. "Only put off until tomorrow what you are willing to die having left undone" ― Pablo Picasso Reach and Achieve Your Dreams, Angela Kelly About Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Blog

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