Thursday, June 6, 2013

Angela Kelly's 90 Day Challenge Day 2 - A Split Second to Dip Your Toe In

Day 2 of a 90 Day Challenge. A Split Second to Dip Your Toe In. A 90 Day Video Challenge. It's a documentation of my Come Up to Online Success with a team of winners. To Join This 90 Day Challenges go to It happens in a split second, when you decide to go for your goals and dreams. Tony Robbins speaks on how it took a split second for him to make a decision to change his Life. Napoleon Hill, in Think and Grow Rich also goes into the 30 Major Causes of Failure in this book. One of those reasons are the inability to claim your power of decision. You can make a decision in a second to change your Life and join us. Many people have a fear of video, but the coaching with Angela Kelly and Team Take Massive Action can help anyone overcome their fear of video. Get mentored by a millionaire team with strong values that will help you reach your goals. About Day 1 Day 2 Blog

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