Tuesday, February 18, 2014

How to Become a Boss Using the Internet 1K - Day 5 Magic in Believing

http://ift.tt/M9l4kn How to Become a Boss Using the Internet 90 Day Challenge. This is day 5 in a 90 day series of videos. The $1K Challenge is a hands on documentation of my journey and progression to $1K a day, while working from home. I'm Angela Kelly, a full-time mother, online success coach, and student of success. I started working from home 3 years ago after losing my job of over 5 years. I've dedicated my findings to sharing what works, what is currently working, and how to build a long-term residual income business online going into the future. Through the 90 Day video challenge, I will include information on the tools and resources that I am using to receive massive results from home, upcoming live training, and other concepts that may be new to you, that also contribute to online success. Subscribe to the channel and Facebook fan page to stay updated on the how-to of making money in your spare time or even grow your existing business using the internet. BossFreePro.com updates: http://ift.tt/1nFC6mn Facebook FanPage: http://ift.tt/M9l4kr Personal development is extremely valuable to your outlook for success. Newbies many times do not know the importance of using personal development daily. There is no substitute to feeding your mind and enhancing your skills through personal development. In Day 5 of the video challenge, I mention success authors, such as works of Zig Ziglar. His audio training entitled Born Rich is an awesome addition to your personal development library. There are many other books, audios, and live video training of Zig Ziglar. In addition, search You Tube to get a few of his seminar clips and free training. However, as mentioned in the video, using personal development as a tool can literally guarantee your success and increase your growth exponentially. You are the only one who can make or break your own success. By making a choice to include personal development in your daily, routine, you will be making a choice other successful business owners have also made. In the age of the computer, You Tube, and blogs, there is an abundance of information available for the student ready to began mastering wealth concepts. When the student is ready, the teacher will appear. In Day 5's Challenge video, I also intend to give you an understanding of the real benefits I received by listening to the audio, The Magic of Believing. It is by Claude Bristol. I listened and allowed a new mindset to to sink into my understanding. A renewed mindset, one of focus and success, back by a true desire to succeed with the addition of faith. This a true equation to guarantee your own success in any task, business opportunity, or project you may attempt. Be sure to grab this book and add it to your toolkit. Access and join Get Rich Radio http://ift.tt/1bIpfjN Subscribe to the BossFreePro.com Updates http://ift.tt/1nFC6mn Blog, Tools & Online Resources: http://ift.tt/1drqVf3 http://ift.tt/1iuiHSZ Connect on Facebook: http://ift.tt/JL2TRn http://ift.tt/1e6Yf7x Skype: Angel.Kel1 407-900-1008 Do You want access to more online marketing training videos? http://ift.tt/1cZFbwl

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