Tuesday, October 8, 2013

"Moving up" no longer means just a raise, it also represents a person who has invested in learning a new skill. This skill now enables them to name their own price, their time, and pick their team. These people are #TheNewRich. Wealth, Freedom, and Flexibility on their own terms. aka, the #BeachMum They should teach THIS to a 5th grader! #The4HourWorkweek

via Angela Kelly http://www.facebook.com/pages/p/283430008386755 "Moving up" no longer means just a raise, it also represents a person who has invested in learning a new skill. This skill now enables them to name their own price, their time, and pick their team. These people are #TheNewRich. Wealth, Freedom, and Flexibility on their own terms. aka, the #BeachMum They should teach THIS to a 5th grader! #The4HourWorkweek

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